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Lisë Stern
Torah Explorer
Parsha Window
In 2020, when the pandemic hit and we were all confined to our homes, I began to post a one-sentence commentary on the parshat hashavuah, the weekly Torah portion, in the front window of my house. I then took photos and posted pictures of this window on my facebook window/page. Here is a sampling.

Parsha Window Dvarim: Dvarim
Parsha Window overview with all the texts

Parshat Dvarim: Dvarim 1:1-322

Parshat Dvarim: Dvarim verse 1:17
Do not recognize faces in judgement; hear the small like the large.

Parshat Dvarim One-sentence Dvar
Every voice matters; we need to listen with openness.

Parshat Dvarim Haftarah
Isaiah 1:1-27

Haftarah Dvarim verse Isaiah 1:5
On what, for you, more beatings, additional transgressions? Every head is sick, every heart faint. (Isaiah 1:5)

Parshat Dvarim Haftarah One-sentence Dvar
Recognize when there is a problem; ignoring signals will yield deep pain.

Special Shabbat: Shabbat Hazon
Sabbath of Vision
View from the Pacific Coast Highway, California
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